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The Top Tips Blog

Personal Development Success: Input Goals vs Output Goals

Johnny Marr was just twenty three when The Smiths split in 1987. Thirty five plus years later my much more aged fingers struggle to play the songs he effortlessly churned out in his teens and early...

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How To Set Goals: Embracing Bright Line Rules for Effective Goal Setting

This is a Top Tips for setting goals. Well, it’s about a strategy called Bright Line Rules that can sit alongside them and help you to accomplish your goals.

Bright-line rules are one of the...

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Ways To Improve Your Skills And Strengths

Next June should be awesome. I’ll be heading to Avignon in the south of France with two good friends, John and Grav, an opportunity to develop new skills through travel and exploration. We...

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The Magic of Effective To-Do Lists: Organize Your Work Like a Pro

Today, we're diving into the world of to-do lists. I know, I know, it sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry, but hear me out. Whether you're a frantic freelancer, a bustling business...

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Mastering the Art of Delegation: Unlocking Managerial Success

Are you a manager looking to level up your leadership skills? Discover the secret to unlocking your full potential with the power of delegation.

Delegation Is A Vital Skill

Delegation is not just a...

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How To Delegate Effectively Using This Simple Tool

Knowing when to delegate tasks is a key leadership skill. It's one of the best time management skills there is. To help improve your ability to delegate the right job at the right time and to...

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Delegate Effectively To Avoid Surprises

I spend more and more time training people how to delegate effectively these days. Delegation used to be just one small part of a day's Time Management training but over the years I've discovered...

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How To Ask For Anything And Get What You Want

If you want to be able to ask for anything then you need to be prepared to hear the word "No".

I often talk about power of the word "No". When you grasp the confidence to politely but firmly...

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What The Best Managers Never Do

Today, let’s talk briefly about a management style that’s as ineffective as it is theatrically dramatic—Seagull Management. It’s a style that’s worth discussing...

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Tips For Dealing With Failure

When things go wrong or a setback occurs people are often immediately very hard on themselves. and are quick to judge something they do as a failure.

Worse than that, they apply that same...

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Decision Fatigue: Why Too Much Choice Is Bad For You

Cast your mind back to 2020* and the first pandemic lockdown  . . . 

Like many people across the country, you might well have more time on your hands than ever before and, coincidentally,...

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How Practicing Gratitude Can Boost Your Wellbeing

You probably think of yourself as a kind and thoughtful individual. Someone who cares, someone who is considerate, someone who displays gratitude.

Maybe you're someone like Charles Plumb.


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